Focus and Scope
The International Nuclear Safety Journal is dedicated to all aspects relevant to nuclear safety. Papers relevant to one or more of the following areas are welcome:
- Nuclear Safety Culture
- Operational Experience Feedback
- New Reactor Designs
- Siting, Construction and Commissioning of New Reactors
- Nuclear Safety Training and Qualification
- Hazard Assessment
- Deterministic Accident Analysis
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment
- Risk-Informed Applications
- Accident Management
- Fuel Safety (and behaviour under accident conditions)
- Radiological Protection for Nuclear Installations
- Research Reactors and Applications
- Nuclear Criticality Safety
- Reactor Safety Systems
- Instrumentation and Control Systems and Safety Critical Software
- Management Systems for Nuclear Facilities and Activities
- Nuclear Installations Operation and Maintenance
- Reactor Standardisation
- Ageing Management and Long Term Operation
- Human Factors in Design, Safety Assesment and Performance Improvement
- Management of Human Resources
- Knowledge Management
- Nuclear Decommissioning
- Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management
- Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Environmental Radioactivity
- Nuclear Safety and Security Interface
- Cyber Security
- Nuclear Law
- Regulatory Processes (Review, Inspection, Licensing, etc.)
- Public Communication, Stakeholders Involvement and Transparency
- Material Properties and Applications
- Research and Development for Nuclear Safety
- Fast Reactors
- Nuclear Forensics
Peer Review Process
For each paper submitted to the INSJ, there would be typically two reviewers. The reviewers will be professionals having expertise in the subjects addressed by the paper. The review should typically take up to four weeks.
The main criteria by which the papers are judged are the relevance to the scope of the journal and the general quality of the paper.
Publication Frequency
The journal will be published quarterly.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
"No endorsement" policy: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the opinions, analyses, discussions, views and recommendations outlined in the articles published in the International Nuclear Safety Journal (INSJ) are solely those of their respective authors and not of the editors, owners or publishers of the INSJ.