Regulation of Emergency Operating Procedures and Severe Accident Management Guidelines – Past Experience and Further Work
The paper presents a review of the status of regulatory requirements on emergency operating procedures (EOPs) and severe accident management guidelines (SAMGs) in various countries, together with lessons learned from past inspection and review activities conducted by regulatory authorities in this area, as well as lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident with regard to SAMGs. An overview of the content and structure of the new regulation issued in Romania in 2014 to address in an integrated manner the preparedness of the response to transients, accidents and emergency situations for nuclear power plants is also presented. While mandatory requirements exist or are under development in most countries operating nuclear power plants, there is still a significant amount of work to be done for implementing comprehensive nuclear regulatory oversight of EOPs and SAMGs, including technical reviews and inspections to make sure that all the requirements are met and that all the relevant lessons learned from major accidents have been adequately used.
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