Evaluation of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 Spent Fuel Pool

Bruce Robert Hugo


Accurate prediction of evaporative losses from spent nuclear storage pools (SFPs) is important for activities ranging from sizing of water makeup systems during plant design to predicting the time available to supply emergency makeup water following severe accidents.  A new evaporation model based on diffusion has been proposed that makes substantially different predictions compared with other correlations for evaporation under conditions of high water temperature and forced air flow.  Analysis of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 SFP response to a prolonged loss of cooling has provided the only high temperature evaporation data with forced air flow present.  The diffusion based evaporation model is compared with two other modern evaporation correlations.


Spent Fuel Storage;Evaporation;Fukushima Daiichi Accident


Hugo, B. R. et al. Predicting Evaporation Rates From Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Pools. International Nuclear Safety Journal. 2014; 3;1:50-56.

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Wang, D. et al. Study of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 4 Spent-Fuel Pool. Nuclear Technology. 2012;(180);205-215.

Weather Underground. 2015. Available from: www.wunderground.com

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