S. I. Azarov, A.V. Taranovski, V.V. Begun, V.V. Lytvynov


The analysis of mathematical and expert techniques that can be used to address the objectives of the evaluation of safety culture level, including:• the method of mathematical modelling, including variants of GMAA (Group Method of Argument Account);• the multivariate statistical analysis methods;• the social field based methods;• the latent variable methods and others.The algorithm of the quantitative assessment of safety culture level is developed. This algorithm is based on the analysis and processing of data on performance indexes, indexes of safety and human errors which are collected at the divisions of Nuclear Power Plant. For the analysis and processing of collecteddata, the computer code based on GMAA is proposed.To automate the process of quantitative estimationof the level of safety culture at nuclear facilities it is proposed to develop the libraries or additional code package for the GMAA code which are based on indexes of operational performance, safety and human errors collected at the divisions of Nuclear Power Plant during the period of study.


safety culture assessment ; nuclear safety


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