Table of Contents
Nuclear Safety Culture
Nuclear Safety Culture Attributes and Lessons to be Learned from Past Accidents | |
Madalina Tronea, Cantemir Ciurea | 1-7 |
Radiological Protection
Radiation Protection Considerations for Nuclear Power Expansion to Nations with Limited Technical Infrastructure | |
Joseph John Bevelacqua | 8-24 |
Health Physics Considerations for the ITER | |
Joseph John Bevelacqua | 25-52 |
Nuclear Criticality Safety
Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Analysis of Spent Fuel in the RBMK-1000 Storage Systems | |
Vladyslav Soloviov, Yevgen Pysmenniy | 53-59 |
Research Reactors and Applications
HEU-LEU Core Conversion at Budapest Research Reactor | |
Gabor Toth, István Benkovics | 60-67 |

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