Valery Shevel


The technological cycle was developed for the 99mTc-pertechnetate radiopharmaceutical (Na99mTcO4 solution) by means of nuclear reactions 98Mo(n,g)99Mo. The description of the technological line on the WWR-M reactor and the hot-cells for the radionuclide generation and fabrication of the radioisotope production is presented. The scheme of centralized extraction generator is used for the radiopharmaceutical production from the irradiated targets when the methilentilketon is used as the extragent. The pilot lot of 99mTc-pertechnetate was produced. The results of investigations show the compliance of the radiopharmaceutical parameters with the requirements of normative documents for the treatment preparations. The production of closed radiation sources with 192Ir is presented.


research reactor, 99Mo, 192Ir, radiopharmaceuticals


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